Own a property in Provincetown?

Earn up to $20,000 by converting your property into a new
year-round rental for locals

Property Owners who participated in Year 1 of the Lease to Locals (leases with start dates April 1, 2024 - March 30, 2025) who choose to sign another long-term lease with their tenants are eligible for an additional incentive payment valued at 75% of the incentive they received in Year 1. Property owners can be eligible for the Provincentown FY26 Expanded Residential Tax Program, which provides a discount on property taxes. See full details in the FAQs for Renewal at the bottom of this page.


What is Lease to Locals?

The Town of Provincetown has partnered with Placemate to administer the “Lease to Locals Program,” an innovative initiative aimed at addressing the lack of housing options for year-round residents. This solution offers one time grant payments to property owners who agree to convert their housing units into year-round rentals.

Are you a renter?  Click here to create a renter profile and we will send you more program details and how you can find properties.

Results to Date*

# of properties
People housed
*Data as of March 1, 2025

How the Program Works


Verify property qualifies

Properties must be located within the boundaries of the Town of Provincetown, and rent to a Qualified Household. Full time tenants can not have occupied the Housing Unit for greater than 12 months. If tenants have occupied the Housing Unit for less than 12 months they must not currently be on a 12 month (or longer) lease.


Secure Tenants

The property owner must identify a qualified household to rent their property to. Qualified households have at least one tenant whose annual income is below $130,515, works for an employer located on the Outer Cape or contributes to the community in another way and is not of blood relation to the property owner. See additional info on qualified households and tenants in the FAQ below. 


Sign a Lease

Property owners must sign a long-term (12+ month) lease with a qualified household and hold an active long-term rental certificate from the Town of Provincetown. The property owner must rent at or below the maximum rental rates indicated in the FAQ below. 


Complete full application

Once a lease is signed, Placemate will provide tenants and property owners an online application which needs to be completed before the grants can be disbursed. The grant payments are mailed in two equal installments — half at the beginning of the lease, and half at the end of the lease. Grants are a one time deal and do not renew once the lease term has ended.



Owners and tenants must comply with midway and final lease checks to ensure they are in compliance. If the property is found out of compliance, the owner may be disqualified from receiving their second grant payment.

Grant Amounts For Property Owners

Unit Size 1 Qualified Tenant 2 Qualified Tenants 3 Qualified Tenants
Private Room(s)
1 Bedroom
2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom


  1. Each dependent child is counted as an additional qualified tenant.
  2. Each Property Owner is eligible for a maximum of three (3) grants.
  3. Each Property is eligible for Lease to Locals grant(s) for one lease term.

FAQs - First Time Lease to Locals Participation

The Lease to Locals Program (the “Program”) offers one time cash grants to property owners who agree to convert their housing units into year-round rentals for qualified households. Grant payments are based on the size of the housing unit and the number of qualified tenants in the household group. The goal of the program is to increase the supply of year-round housing available for Provincetown community members and local workers. The Program first launched as a pilot April 1, 2024 and has been renewed for a second year starting April 1, 2025. 

Eligible properties must meet the following requirements:

  • Housing Unit: A housing unit is a house, condominium, multi-family, accessory dwelling unit, a single room, or multiple single rooms that is intended for occupancy living quarters (excluding commercial lodging). Excludes deed-restricted and subsidized units.
  • Location: The Housing Unit must be located in the Town of Provincetown.
  • Maximum Grants: Property Owners are eligible for a maximum of three (3) grants.
  • Status: The Housing Unit must be a legally permitted dwelling unit and each bedroom in the property must have a door and window. The Housing Unit must have an active long-term rental certificate from the Town of Provincetown.
  • New Rental: Full time tenants can not have occupied the Housing Unit for greater than 12 months. If tenants have occupied the Housing Unit for less than 12 months they must not currently be on a 12 month (or longer) lease.
  • Property Condition: The Housing Unit must meet basic health and safety criteria as may be required per Massachusetts law and regulations.

Private Room 




1 bedroom


2 bedrooms


3 bedrooms +


  • Property Owner: The individual applying for the program must be or represent the legal entity that holds the deed to the property, as reflected on the Assessor or Registry of Deed records.  
  • Signed Lease Agreement and Complete Application Packet: The Property Owner must complete an application and sign a Long-Term Lease with a Qualified Household. The complete application packet must be submitted within 45 days of the start of the lease. 
  • Lease Compliance Checks: The Property Owner must comply with the lease agreement for the full length of the lease and will be checked for compliance by Placemate 6 months and 12 months into the lease. Failure to comply with the lease requirements at any time shall disqualify the Property Owner for grant payments.
  • Fair Housing Act Compliance: The Property Owner must comply with the Federal Fair Housing Act which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

A Qualified Household is any group of individuals living together in one home as their primary residence, where at least one of the adults is a Qualified Tenant. A Qualified Tenant is an adult who is not of blood relation to the Property Owner, has an annual income that does not exceed $130,515, and who meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • Employed with an employer based on or serving customers on the Outer Cape (Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet) 
  • Already a full-time resident of the Outer Cape and contributing to the Provincetown community by serving on a Town Board/Committee, volunteering with a local organization, participating in the town’s art/cultural scene, or providing some similar benefit to the community
  • A dependent child of a Qualified Tenant
  • A person unable to work or who does not have a work history due to qualifying for disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • A retired person who receives monthly Social Security benefits to a Provincetown address

Once a property owner has indicated they are moving forward with a tenant group, Placemate will share an online tenant application directly with the tenants to collect the following documents.

Each qualified tenant in a household group will need to fill out an application. If a qualified tenant is sharing a room with another tenant(s), each tenant in that room is required to provide the following documentation. Required documents are outlined below:

  1. All qualified tenants over 18 years old must provide a copy of their government issued ID
  2. Required documents from each tenant who is a local worker:
    1. Employment documentation (any one of the following 3 options, as applicable)
      1. 1 recent pay stub issued by an employer located on the Outer Cape (Provincetown, Truro or Wellfleet), OR;
      2. A signed employer or offer letter that includes the following details:
        1. Employer name, logo, and address
        2. Name of employee
        3. Anticipated start date (if new offer) or when they started originally
        4. Number of hours (ie; full time, 40 hours week / seasonal, 20 hours week)
        5. Pay rate (hourly or salary)
        6. Location of where they are working
        7. Name, signature of manager / HR, and date signed; OR
      3. If self-employed, required documents include:
        1. If the business has been operational for more than 1 year 
          1. Most recent tax returns, OR; 
        2. If the business has been operating for less than one year, is off the books, or tenant is self employed via gig work
          1. Internal P&L, OR;
          2. Employer letter, OR;
          3. Recent Contracts that show volume of work/pay
  3. Required documents from each tenant who contributes to the community in some way other than local employment:
    1. A signed letter from the local organization, board, committee, gallery, group etc.. that they are involved with that provides their weekly time commitment to the organization, responsibilities/details of involvement, and how long they have been involved.
  4. Required documents from each non-working disabled adult: 
    1. Copy of disability benefits, OR;
    2. Proof of supplemental income
  5. Required documents from retired Provincetown residents:
    1. A Social Security benefit verification letter sent to a local Provincetown address
  6. Required documents to show that a qualified adult tenant has a child/children:
    1. Most recent copy of tax returns showing each child as a dependent, OR;
    2. A copy of each child’s birth certificate. 

First create a renter profile with Placemate. Once we have that information on file we can send you prospective properties that fit your criteria and you can message directly with property owners who create listings on our website

Prior to disbursing grants, our partners at the Town of Provincetown will review documentation submitted by Placemate, Inc. including a copy of the fully executed lease agreement(s), proof of status for qualifying tenants, and a property owner application.

The Town of Provincetown will issue the first half of the grant payment to the Property Owner within forty five (45) days of the qualified household taking occupancy of the housing unit.

The Town of Provincetown will issue the second half of the grant payment to the property owner within forty five (45) days of the end of the lease. 

Payments shall be issued to the property owner, as their legal name(s) appear on recorded property ownership documents.

Please note, grants are available to each property one time and do not roll over year over year. Each Property Owner is eligible for a maximum of three (3) grant payments across all properties they own.  

FAQs - Lease to Locals Renewal For Year 1 Owners (April 2024-March 2024)

Provincetown is offering owners who participated in the first year of Lease to Locals (leases with start dates April 1, 2024 – March 30, 2025) an additional incentive payment valued at 75% of the incentive they received in Year 1: 

To access this renewal incentive, owners must renew their existing lease agreement for an additional 12 months at the same rental rate with at least 1 qualified tenant of your original tenant group. 

Year 1 owners are eligible for a renewal incentive for each qualified tenant who you received an incentive for in Year 1. For example, if you received an incentive for 2 qualified tenants in Year 1, you are eligible for a maximum renewal incentive for 2 qualifying tenants in Year 2, regardless of if additional qualifying tenants are added to the renter group.

Lease to Locals Year 1 owners who are renewing their lease for a second year are eligible for a Residential Tax Exemption (RTE), which provides a property tax benefit to owners who have been long term renting their property for over 12 months.  The RTE must be applied for directly with the Provincetown Assessors Office – see full instructions here.

  1. Discuss lease renewal with your tenants and verify the group would like to partially or entirely renew the lease for an additional year. 
  2. If the group is going to partially change, identifying and screening new tenants is up to the property owner. Any new tenants will need to complete a Lease to Locals tenant application. Let your Placemate representative know of the change in tenancy and pass on the new tenant’s names and emails so we can send them the tenant application.
  3. Once we’ve qualified new tenants for Lease to Locals, Placemate will send you a Summay form to collect and review your signed renewed lease.
  4. After reviewing your lease agreement, Placemate will send you a Property Owner Application to have you fill out a W-9 and Check Request Form.  
  5. Placemate will check in with you and your tenants 30 days before the end of your current lease agreement to confirm renewal. Once confirmed, Placemate will submit your renewal documents to the Town and they will issue the first half of your renewal incentive. 

Interested in Lease to Locals?


If you are a renter seeking housing, please create a Renter Profile.


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